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It is prescribed upon you, when death approaches (any) one of you – if he leaves behind wealth – then
he should make a will (wasiyyah) for his parents and near relatives in a fair manner [in the one-third].
This is a duty upon the pious people.    (The Holy Quran 2:180)


Making sure we depart this world with a shariah compliant will is an important duty in Islam.

Thinking about death and what happens after we die can be difficult, but it is critical that we plan for our deaths and have a will that is both UK law and Sharia-compliant.

An Islamic will ensures that your loved ones are cared for according to your wishes, and that your assets, property, and wealth are distributed as you wish, avoiding unnecessary strain on your loved ones in the absence of a will.



One of the most rewarding forms of sadaqah jariyah is leaving a gift to charities like The Zahra Trust in your will; the benefits are endless and you can continue to help all those in need even after your death.

There are also tax benefits to leaving legacies or gifts to registered charities like The Zahra Trust. If your estate is worth more than £325,000, the executors of your Will may be required to pay 40% inheritance tax.

However, if you leave 10% or more of your net estate to charity, you may be eligible for a lower inheritance tax rate (36 percent instead of 40 percent).


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